Registration Information
Playing Age
Playing age is determined by the player’s age as of 04/30/2025. Parents may request that a player "play-up" to an older league under certain conditions.
Playing Up
Players wishing to play-up, may play-up one year – NOT one league. They must also attend a mandatory assessment and gain the approval of the WYBSL. Please see the current newsletter or our website for scheduling information and other important details. Note: a player who successfully played-up last Fall does not have to attend the mandatory assessment.
Family Plan
Family plan (calculated from highest to lowest registration):
- First two players @ Full Fee + Fields Fee
- All other players @ Fields Fund Fee only
Late Registration
Late registration penalties after 03/17/2025. Additional $30.00 per player plus loss of Family Plan discounts (if applicable).
Fields Fee
Each player must add a $24.00 Fields Fund fee to their registration fee. Spring players will receive twelve $2 Raffle Tickets which they can sell to defray this cost. This will be added at payment.
Registration Fees
Sport |
League |
Playing Age |
Registration Fee |
Tee-Ball |
Co-ed Tee-Ball I (4/5) |
4-5 |
$70.00 |
Co-ed-Tee-Ball II (5/6) |
5-6 |
$85.00 |
Softball |
8U Coach Pitch Softball |
7-8 |
$97.00 |
10U Softball (Green) |
9-10 |
$102.00 |
12U Softball (Red) |
11-12 |
$108.00 |
17U Softball (Blue) |
13-17 |
$113.00 |
Baseball |
8U Coach Pitch Baseball |
7-8 |
$97.00 |
10U Baseball (Green) |
9-10 |
$102.00 |
12U Baseball (Red) |
11-12 |
$108.00 |
14U Baseball (Blue) |
13-15 |
$113.00 |
18U Baseball (Black) |
16-18 |
$118.00 |
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